Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine Treats

I discovered chocolate covered cinnamon bears last year. I've been craving for them lately and didn't want to wait until April to go to BYU women's conference to buy them in the bookstore. I mean, how hard can they be to make? Well, I made them today and have almost eaten half of them. So I quickly made a fun pretzel treat. An idea that I got from my friend. Maybe my kids won't notice that I ate so many chocolate bears.


  1. Those "do" look yummy - I can see why you ate so many!

  2. I didn't know until now that you had a blog. That makes me happy. I love to keep in touch with family but do such a horrible job at calling most of the time. The chocolate covered cinnamon bears sounds really good. I am sitting in the hospital with Nicole at the moment, and am limited to nasty hospital cafeteria food. Thank you so much for the nice words about our family and little Creed. We hope you can come to the blessing. We are going to do it the last week of March on the 29th. We would love to see you, Steve and the kids. I will try and check your blog as often as I can. I try and look on every ones blogs at least once a week. Tell your girls and Ryan that we say hi!
    Are we planning on any vacations or camping trips this year? Let me know and we'll try and make it happen.
    We love you guys!
    Mike, Nicole and kids.
