Michelle begins her 3rd year at BYU-I and Jessica begins her 1st...
I don't believe any mom is ready for their children to leave home. You prepare them for 18-19 years, but when the time comes to either to go college or on church missions it pulls at your heartstrings. It pulls even harder when you hear that they are thriving and happy without you! We've taught our children to be indendent and self-reliant for the day when they go out into the world on their own, but.........the letting go takes time. It's been a month now. The girls have great friends, doing well in their classes, experiencing life like never before, happy and you know what, they haven't forgotten about home and family because they love to call and share a couple of times a week. Yes, the heartstrings will always be there, but when a mom can smile, sit back and relax because she knows her children are living up to their upbringing it makes saying good-bye a whole lot easier.